Mismatch of order numbers

How do order numbers change on AliExpress?

On orders at AliExpress, cash back is credited on a per-item basis. One item is a single item of a certain type of product.

For example, an order contains four T-shirts. Two absolutely identical black ones are one item. Two more different colours e.g. yellow and red, and they are two more goods. Thus, the order will be a total of 3 positions.

Therefore, your order list will look like this:

  • (2) If the AliExpress order consists of one item, the numbers on AliExpress and Megabonus will be the same.
  • (1) If there is more than one item in the AliExpress order, each of them will be given a different number and a separate cash back will be credited. 

How does it happen?

The last four numbers of the order are user IDs in the AliExpress system, they are assigned to a specific account and remain unchanged.  Therefore purchases from the same AliExpress account always have the same ending.

The following numbers will be subject to change. The number of numbers is divided by the number of goods in the order. The first number will be the order number on AliExpress. Each following item number will be one more than the previous one.

Let's look at the example in the screenshot:

The order(1) consists of 3 items. Its number on AliExpress: 30050049 0098888. So it will be split into 3 orders in the Megabonus account:

30050049 0098888

30050049 0108888

30050049 0118888

How do order numbers change in other shops?

Many shops have different order numbers from the cash back service. For example Aviasales, Tutu.ru, Bonprix, ASOS, Labirint.ru, iHerb. In this case you should not be afraid because under the "My cash back" section the name of the shop is indicated, and the status of the cash back can be tracked by the date of the order.

Usually it's just a random order of letters and/or numbers that has nothing to do with the original order: 

We wish you profitable purchases with Megabonus cash back service!

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