Flipkart store categories
Category 1. Home Categories (Home & Kitchen Needs, Home Decor, Home Furnishings, Home Improvement Tools) Furniture,Food & Nutrition, Pet Supplies,Household Supplies, Stationery and Office Supplies, Fragrance, Beauty and Wellness,Baby Care and Diapers, Musical Instruments, Toys & School Supplies, Fashion & Lifestyle Categories (Clothing, Footwear, Watches, Bags-Wallets-Belts, Fashion Accessories, Luggage & Travel, Sunglasses & Eyewear, Sports & Fitness, Jewellery)
Category 2. Automobiles & Auto Accessories, Health Care Appliances, Books & E-Learning, Home & Kitchen Appliances, Personal Care Appliances
Category 3. Large Sports & Fitness Equipments, Bicycles
Category 4. CD/DVD/Blu-ray (Games, Music/Movies/TV Shows, Software), Computer Peripherals (except Storage), Mobile, Tablet, Computer, Gaming & Camera Accessories,Laptops, Tablets, Cameras & Gaming Consoles, Small Entertainment (iPods, MP3, Video & Audio), Automation and Robotics, Wearable Smart Devices,Large Appliances - Television, Refrigerator, Air Conditioner, Washing Machine & Dryer, Microwave Oven
Category 5. Storage (External Hard Disks, Memory Cards, Pen Drives)