How do I make my collection public?

How do I make my collection public?

You can share collections with your friends and on social media. When people check out your items it works as a cash back link. In this case, you can get cash back for every purchase.

To share your collection:

  1. In the Smart Cart section find a collection you need by scrolling through the page.
  2. Press on a lock in the top right to your collection.

3. In the pop-up window move the scroller near  “Open access to collection”.

4. Also in this pop-up window you can copy a link to your collection and share it on social media.

  • To copy this link press on an icon near it.
  • You can also share it instantly on Odnoklassniki, VK, Facebook or Twitter. To do it press on an icon of social media you need at the bottom of the window.

If you haven’t signed in to this social media you’ll need to write your social media login and password in the new window.

If you were already signed up with this social media you will only need to choose where to show this link. To finish sharing your link press “Send”.

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