What to do if I didn’t receive the letter?
The topics covered in the article:
What letters are we talking about?
First of all, this concerns the letters of details confirmation (deletion, change) and responses of the Megabonus Support Service.
If you are concerned about mailing letters, turning them on and off will be discussed in another article.
⚠️ Please note that the Support Service gives an answer within 24 hours. But an automatic letter is sent immediately and informs that we have received your request.
If nothing comes within half an hour, it's time to follow the instructions.
What should I do in this situation?
1. Check whether the email address is correct – it is to this mail that all letters are sent. To do so, go to the "Settings" section.
⚠️ If the address is different or there is a mistake, changes can be made. Contact us in another way to resolve the issue.
2. Check other folders. This is especially true for the "Spam" folder and the "Promotions" folder if the mail is registered on the Google resource (gmail).
You can mark letters as "Not spam" and add no-reply@megabonus.com to the Address Book to prevent letter from getting to Spam.
3. Search for the letters by the sender's address. To do this, go to your mailbox and enter the address no-reply@megabonus.com in the search box:
4. Check the list of filters included in the mail.
Filtering rules may differ for each resource. Therefore, select the desired mail service and follow the link:
You can get to the section "Message filtering" by clicking on the gear in the upper right corner:

5. If there are no messages in any of the mailbox folders, this may be caused by the limitations of the mail service. For example, you’ve reached the limit on incoming correspondence. If the mailbox is full, try clearing it out and requesting the letter again.
6. If you couldn’t find the reason, please choose another email or another method to contact us.