How to choose the right title for your review.
1. Compliance with the terms.
Any title must comply with the terms of posting reviews. Otherwise, it might be blocked.
2. The success of the title.
The rating of the article depends directly on its title. To increase the number of visits and views, follow the recommendations of SEO-specialists:
- The title must express the idea of the review and the purpose of the product. It means that it must contain the name of the product, the brand or some specific features of the item.
«Review on skull silicone ice cube tray» is an example of the right title. The name of the product and its features are specified in the title. Try to avoid words like «best» or «beautiful» as the perception of these notions vary for different people. Use words like «woolen», «organic», «red» to describe the product. They are more clear.
- Use keywords. These are the words people use to search for the products on Internet. You can check the top of these words on Google. It is very easy to use this tool. Just submit the name of the product and press Enter.
- Describe the product thoroughly in the title. Use 4-10 words. Make sure your title contains useful information. Your title should represent the needs of the reader. Only in this case he will choose your review among hundreds of other reviews.
- Use the experience from popular articles of other people.Try to find similar reviews or articles via Google. Check what titles are used in such reviews and try to create similar titles.
- If you have several products, use the words to generalize the list.
If your review describes the compilation of products or the comparison of different items, let the reader see it. Use the phrases like “Top 5” or “Top 10” depending on the number of products on your review.